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    Nowofol Kunststoffprodukte GmbH & Co. KG

    Breslauer Str. 15


    +49 8662 6602-0

    For enhanced comfort when carrying multipacks (e.g. six-packs of PET-bottles), these are self-adhesive carrying handles with an insert as part of the holding section. The carrying handle consists essentially of a transparent film strip with high tensile strength, which has an adhesive coating on one side. In order to neutralise the holding region, paper is used for standard applications. This paper insert also serves as a carrier for product advertising and sales related information (e.g. barcode). In order to increase the level of comfort while carrying, and to avoid the insert edges breaking, our monoaxially-oriented foamed film NOWOLABEL C can be used in place of the paper insert. Our tensilized polypropylene film NOWOCARRY enhances the required features – an extremely high stress resistance with low elongation – providing an ideal combination. The typical strip width is 25 mm.

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